Remembering and celebrating sobriety milestones is not a new thing. People in recovery have been celebrating their sobriety milestones for decades, with one of the first references of a personal sobriety memento dating back to the mid-1940s. A sobriety birthday (also known as a sobriety anniversary, sober anniversary, recovery anniversary, or sobriety milestone) also serves as a reminder of the progress you’ve made. The SMIA encourages members and member groups to send us sobriety anniversaries. We publish these events in the SMIA Lifeline and the On-Line Anniversary Calendar. If you would like to have your anniversary published, or you are acting on behalf of your group or district, we have three methods to submit anniversaries
Please allow up to 72 hours for the anniversaries to be posted on-line. If you see your anniversary listed in the on-line calendar and you would like to have it removed, send an e-mail to |