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* Al-Anon/AlaTeen meetings at the same location at the same time.
Code Description Code Description
11 11th Step Meditation TC Location Temporarily Closed
ST Steps and Traditions MED Meditation
ABSI As Bill Sees It M Men
BA Babysitting Available N Native American
BB Big Book BE Newcomer
H Birthday NS Non-Smoking (ignored by Meeting Guide)
BRK Breakfast ONL Online Meeting (ignored by Meeting Guide)
CAN Candlelight OD Open Discussion
CF Child-Friendly OUT Outdoor Meeting
CD Closed Discussion POC People of Color
AL-AN Concurrent with Al-Anon POL Polish
AL Concurrent with Alateen POR Portuguese
XT Cross Talk Permitted P Professionals
DR Daily Reflections PUN Punjabi
DB Digital Basket RUS Russian
DD Dual Diagnosis A Secular
EN English SEN Seniors
FF Fragrance Free ASL Sign Language
FR French SM Smoking Permitted
G Gay S Spanish
GR Grapevine SP Speaker
HE Hebrew KOR Korean
NDG Indigenous ST Step Meeting
ITA Italian TR Tradition Study
JA Japanese T Transgender
L Lesbian X Handicap Accesiible
LIT Literature XB Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom
LS Living Sober W Women
LGBTQ LGBTQ Y Young People
Meetings appearing in BOLD ITALICS are NEW meetings and less than 6 months old.


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